Made for 

Jame Gam #26

Theme- You are the Monster

Special Object- Cards

Initial comments:
This is my first game jam in over 5 years, and in true game jam style I started when the timer was already down to 2.5 days (yay me). So I dumped this out working after work, for maybe 20 hours. That being said the deadline quickly approached. I worked my best to implement a bug free, entertaining game play loop, and spent a solid 4 hours on balancing. I believe I ended up with a fun and repayable prototype! However art did suffer, so did proper menus.

Somethings I was really hoping to get around to but I didn't:

- animations

- more enemy types, including a ranged enemy

- more cards, including things like walls/traps/spells (slow enemies, freeze, etc.)

- better UI

- an animated intro

- settings menu

- even more balancing!

Sadly that's just what I was expecting to be able to do, I had so many more ideas too. If people find it fun, maybe I can find an artist to team up with and keep working on it. That's all!


You are an angel, who, er.. well, got bored.  So to cure your boredom you decided to reign terror on the earth. Now an endless hoard of humanities best warriors have come to stop you. How long will you survive.

How to play:
Defeat enemies and collect cards they drop. Use those cards to increase stats/heal. Be careful when using a card though!  If you miss your player, you will not get the benefit.  If an enemy is inside the target area, they will also get the benefit.Enemies come in waves, each wave there are more enemies, and they get stronger. After the last enemy from that wave spawns you have 10 seconds before the next wave starts . Each wave (up to a certain point) will cause enemies to spawn faster. That's it!

(Numbers for nerds below)


Fullscreen: F (Recommended, not required)
Movement: WSAD

Fire: hold left click

Select/Use card: right click

Deselect Card: middle mouse Click

Continue on menus: space

Debug Controls:

Left this in for fun so enjoy.
It will make the game never end, and max fire rate.

Also it will draw collision boxes if you care about that.

Toggle Debug: Numpad Plus

Toggle Draw World Grid: Numpad-

Move Camera up: Up Arrow

Move Camera down: Down Arrow

Move Camera left: Left Arrow

Move Camera right: Right Arrow

Zoom Camera In: Numpad 1

Zoom Camera Out: Numpad 0

Reset Camera: Numpad Enter

Log Camera Position: Numpad Dot

Almost everything was created by me besides a few sounds.

Game Over Sound: Sudocolon (

Enemy Hit Sound: (

Player Hit Sound: n3b (

(Shameless plug) Song (by me)

Numbers for nerds: (ill finish filling this out when I have more time)

Enemy spawn rate: 1 every 2 seconds - (current wave - 1) * 0.11 seconds;

Enemy Count: 5 + 5 * current wave - 1

Card drop rate: 40%

Enemy base stats:
- Health:

- Move Speed:
- Attack:
Lines of Code: ~3,500

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